Espace doctorants en danse

Appel à contribution • Dance : Current Selected Research

Call for Manuscripts

Dance : Current Selected Research, Volume VIII
Edited by : Lynnette Young Overby, Ph.D. and Billie Lepczyk, Ed.D., CMA

•> Date limite : 10 février 2012

We are preparing the 8th volume of Dance : Current Selected Research. Criteria for the consideration of manuscripts : (1) original research on topics for which valid techniques in experimental, historical, ethnographic, movement analysis, or clinical research have been applied in the collectionof data and with appropriate analytical treatment of data ; (2) state-of-the art research reviews on topics of current interest with a substantial research literature base, or (3) theoretical papers presenting well formulated but as yet untested models.

Voir l’appel détaillé : http://dnbtheorybb.blogspot.com/2011/10/call-for-manuscripts.html