Dance Dramaturgy : Catalyst, Perspective and Memory
La dramaturgie de la danse : catalyseur, perspective et mémoire
Society of Dance History Scholars Annual Conference
Toronto, Canada
June 23-26, 2011
Date limite de réponse à l’appel (prolongée) •> 1er décembre 2010
First, I would like to thank everyone who sent in their proposals for papers, panels and PERsentations for the 2011 conference for the deadline of November 1, 2010. The number of applicants is very satisfying and we look forward to giving each proposal full and serious consideration.
About two weeks ago, the 2011 conference committee discussed extending the deadline for one month (December 1st 2010) and at this time we would like to confirm our decision. Also, we would like to emphasize that, although Dance Dramaturgy is our conference theme we welcome papers from every field in dance studies and practices. For example, this year we are hoping to organize a stream of papers that run throughout the conference focusing on Early Dance History : some of these papers may focus on Dance Dramaturgy and performing/directing early dances, other Early Dance History papers will not. This is just one example.
Please know that in the spirit of being as inclusive as possible we will give careful and serious consideration to every submission. We trust this extension will answer the concerns of those scholars and dance enthusiasts who were not certain that this conference would welcome them. Everyone is welcome and all
topics will be give serious consideration.
We apologize for this glitch in our process and thank you for your patience and understanding.
Darcey Callison, Chair
2011 SDHS Conference