Espace doctorants en danse

Appel à communication • Dancing through Maturity, 21 & 22 octobre 2010

1st International Seminar “Dancing through Maturity”

Faculdade de Motricidade Humana – Universidade Técnica de Lisboa – Portugal

•> date limite : 15 Septembre, 2010

Currently, in our society, we are aware of the importance of certain physical activities, among them dancing, in different stages of life. In this seminar we intend to approach :

· The experience of dancing as a source for physical, social and emotional well-being in mature populations.

· The contributions of dance to improve the agility, coordination, concentration and memory, as well as in reducing stress, anxiety and improving self-esteem.

· Results of experiments conducted in this area.

· The role of senior people in the transmission of the heritage of dance.

· Other related themes

The seminar will be divided into practical sessions, presentations, demonstrations and discussion sessions.

Call for presentations :

Those interested may send proposals for papers, demonstrations and/or workshops, until September 15, 2010. The selection will be communicated by September 25. Accepted languages : English, Portuguese, Spanish.

Publication :
The proposals will be published in book form.

Organization :
Prof. Ana Macara - School of Human Kinetics - INET-MD

Ms. Augusta Vilão - Associação Nova Atena

Note : This seminar will take place in the context of a preparatory meeting for a project to be submitted to the EU Grundtvig.

For information and proposals : maevilao@gmail.pt