Espace doctorants en danse

Appel à contributions • Spacing Dance(s) - Dancing Space(s)/ Danemark, Janvier 2011


Call for Proposal

Spacing Dance(s) - Dancing Space(s)

10th International NOFOD Conference

University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark,

27 – 30 January 2011

Deadline : 30 mai 2010

The notion of space relates both to the very concrete physical and technological settings of dance and to the implicit contexts created through movement. In both senses dance takes place in many kinds of spaces. Recently the venues have appeared to grow in number and diversity : New arenas and old ones revived offer places to enjoy the social atmosphere when dancing salsa, tango or Nordic folkdances, diverse rural and urban outdoor locations host engaging events with dance performances and workshops almost throughout the year ; a plethora of film clips on diverse forms of dance circulate in the internet, for example. However, at the same time movement also constructs and sets space. Moving generates an embodied and shared spatiality.
For its 10th international conference the NOFOD Board welcomes proposals on any topic related to the theme of dance and space. It is our wish to display the broad range of interest of our members as well as non-members ; however the presenters might consider any of the following questions :
How do different kinds of spaces interfere and interact with the dance as danced ? How can dance come to confirm, challenge or change the space in which it takes place ? What does it mean to the movers/dancers that space is created in movement ? How is the discursive practice of dance influenced by the context – for example, the institutionalization of teaching situations, different kinds of cultural heritages, gender, subgroups of youth culture and so on ? How can we use dance and dance research to study spatial aspects of movement and the mobile culture ?

The conference will be arranged in cooperation with the research unit : Movement, Sport and Society, Institute of Sports Science and Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark.

Keynote speakers

Egil Bakka, Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

Lena Hammergren, Professor at Theatre- and Dance studies,
Department for Musicology and Performance studies Stockholm University, Sweden

Doreen Massey, Professor of Geography, Open University, UK

Sarah Rubidge, Professor of Choreography and New Media
University of Chichester, UK

Performer Kitt Johnson www.kittjohnson.dk will present at site specific performance in connection with the opening of the conference.

Guidelines for Proposals

Proposals take the form of abstracts of no more than 300 words including presenters’ names, affiliations and email addresses.

We encourage you to submit a wide range of proposals :

Paper presentations : 30 minutes including discussion

Lecture-demonstrations : 60 minutes all included

Roundtable discussions : 60 minutes all included

Movement workshops : 60 minutes all included

Posters : participating in poster exhibition during the conference and in the poster presentation, 10 minutes all included.

The deadline for proposal submission is May 30th 2010. All submission should be sent as email attachments (MS word) to nofod10@health.sdu.dk by this date.

Proposals will be selected by the conference committee that consists of an editorial board of current NOFOD board members with a focus on the conference theme and quality of the abstracts. The applicants will be notified of acceptance by September 7th 2010 via email.

Conference Fee

Members – before 1st of December 2010 : 180 € after : 200 €
Non-members – before 1st of December 2010 : 205 € after : 225 €
Bachelor and master students - before 1st of December, 2010 : 90 € after : 110 €

The conference fee includes lunch for Friday and Saturday and Sunday.
If canceling – a 50% refund will be possible until 10th of January, 2011.
The price for the conference dinner and dancing event Saturday evening will be announced by the 1stof October. This price will be added on top of the fee for people who want to join this event.
The conference fee’s can be paid between 1st of September 2010 until 10th of January, 2011.

Further information about registration, program and accommodation will be announced by the 1st of October, 2010 – in the second announcement.
For your traveling information : Odense is placed 2 hours by train – from Kastrup (Copenhagen) airport. Train leaves directly from the airport.
Looking forward to seeing you in Odense !

Questions about practical issues to :

Susanne Ravn Mobile phone : +45 22755625

email : sravn@health.sdu.dk

Questions about proposals to :

NOFOD Chair Leena Rouhiainen Mobile phone : +358-400792093

email : leena.rouhiainen@teak.fi

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