Espace doctorants en danse

Appel à contributions • IADMS, conférence annuelle

IADMS 20th Annual Meeting ?

Thursday – Sunday, October 28 – 31, 2010 ?

Birmingham, UK

Deadline : 1er mars 2010

Infos : http://www.iadms.org/

Presentations are invited for the 20th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS) on clinical dance medicine, dance medicine research, dance science, dance education, and general dance topics. Proposals must be submitted electronically and must be completed before March 1, 2010.
Relevance ?IADMS enhances the health, well-being, training, and performance of dancers by cultivating educational, medical, and scientific excellence. We invite proposals for presentations that contribute to this purpose. You will be asked to explain the relevance of your presentation when you submit your proposal electronically, as well as when you make your presentation.
Program Format ?Several presentation formats are available. Please specify one format as your preferred choice. Since there are a limited number of spaces available– especially for longer presentations– please also specify your second and third choices. Presenters must adhere to the specified time limits. Since interaction with the audience is a crucial part of IADMS meetings, additional time for questions and answers will be allotted following each lecture presentation. For poster presentations, a block of time will be reserved during which presenters must be available at their poster to answer questions.

Poster Presentation (no lecture time) ?Poster presentations are on display during the entire Annual Meeting.

Brief Scientific Presentation (10 minute lecture) ?Examples : Simple dance science studies, dance medicine clinical ’pearls,’ case presentations.

Standard Presentation (20 minute lecture) ?Examples : Dance medicine clinical lectures, dance medicine experimental research, dance science studies, dance education presentations, dance presentations.

Extended Presentation (30 minute lecture) ?Examples : As for Standard Presentation above ; also tutorial lectures or reviews on basic topics, including presentations of interest to persons new to dance medicine and science.

Interactive Workshop or Forum (55 minutes total for presentation and discussion) ?Example : Two or more speakers (preferably from different disciplines) covering one area in depth, with maximum audience participation.

Movement Session (55 minutes total, with continuous audience participation) ?Morning, mid-day, or afternoon sessions for meeting attendees.