MOCO’17 Call for Papers
4th International Conference on Movement and Computing
28th-30th June 2017, London, UK.
•> Paper Submission : 23 January 2017
We would like to invite submissions for paper presentations, performances, workshops and more to the 4th International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO) which is to be held in London.
MOCO is an interdisciplinary conference that explores the use of computational technology to support and understand human movement practice (e.g. computational analysis) as well as movement as a means of interacting with computers (e.g. movement interfaces). This requires a wide range of computational tasks including modeling, representation, segmentation, recognition, classification, or generation of movement information but also an interdisciplinary understanding of movement that ranges from biomechanics to embodied cognition and the phenomenology of bodily experience. We therefore invite submissions from a wide range of disciplines including (but not limited to) : Human-Computer Interaction, Psychology, Dance, Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, Sports Science, Machine Learning, Cognitive Science, Visual Arts, Robotics, Philosophy, Anthropology, Music, Affective Computing, Games, Healthcare and Animation.
MOCO is open to a wide range of ways of presenting your work. As well as papers for oral and poster presentations, we invite submission of a wide range of practice work such as demos, performances, games, artistic works and movement workshops (in which participants take part in a guided movement activity). We encourage submitters to be creative in proposals for practice sessions and are open to novel formats.
•> Lire l’intégralité de l’appel : http://movementcomputing.org/